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Cultural propaganda

There are two reasons why people make mistakes:

One is ignorance, the other is shamelessness - an employee of our company once told a colleague privately: "People don't do things for themselves, the devil takes the hindmost, people die for money, birds die for food, work slowly, don't be silly...". Later, when I learned that, I said to my colleagues who had been affected: "You must not accept this idea. This view depicts the animalistic side of human beings, which will harm you... Do you know Maslow's demand theory? Human beings are social animals, and have social attributes. A person's thinking, knowledge, cultivation, morality and feelings are social attributes, which govern everything, and a group of creatures cannot do anything...". If this affected colleague is not inspired in this way, she may be difficult to struggle out, which means that a negative sentence is more harmful than a hundred positive words, especially for new employees, because they have poor immunity

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