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Today's private enterprises have achieved six, seven, eight and nine: 60% of the national financial revenue; 70% of national GDP; 80% of national exports; 90% of the national employment rate has become the backbone of the nation, but their environment and status are not optimistic! But those so-called monopoly state-owned enterprises can never become efficient modern enterprises without real and thorough reform, because its dead end lies in the absence of owners, that is, taking others' money to do things for others, which is the worst economics.


Science and technology breakthrough medicine

Release time:2022-10-10Browse:1373Author:Zhonghui

Life is the key to the development of science and technology. Science and technology promote the continuation of life. Every new wave of technology will bring a subversive impetus to the meaning of life. With the development of modern science and technology, the concepts of precision medicine, Internet medicine and mobile medicine have become the new direction of medical attention and development. The latest directions in the field of medical science and technology, such as big data, 3D printing, VR technology, artificial intelligence and other hot topics, are gradually applied to real medicine. This is the change and promotion of technology to the medical industry.

The continuous development and breakthrough of science and technology have provided a powerful technology and direction for the development and innovation of the medical industry. This is an era in which science and technology are the king. With the help of science and technology, people are constantly creating leaps in different fields. Among them, life medicine is a field related to everyone, so it receives more attention. This is also an era of big data first, so the big data of health care has become an important basic strategic resource of the country.

Big data has brought great opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence. In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has been developed by leaps and bounds, followed by intelligent medical applications and development. Further use of advanced information technology, combined with the health care big data for analysis and effective use, has brought about earth shaking changes and long-term progress in the health care model.

VR technology is an attempt of human beings to break through their own limitations. At the beginning, people used to watch TV and movies. Now, VR technology has become an indispensable scientific and technological element in the medical field. It is widely used in telemedicine, where patients can register for consultation at home, and doctors can clearly observe the status of patients through VR technology; Psychological disease treatment can also be achieved through VR technology. In the process of treatment, patients can recall or enter into imaginary scenes through VR technology to achieve the purpose of treatment. This is the convenience and different experiences that technology brings to medical treatment.

Similarly, 3D printing technology has shifted from daily process to medical technology industry, such as 3D printing of human organs and bones and 3D printing of dental models. 3D printing technology is another representative of scientific and technological transformation to achieve precision medicine, which provides an important method and means for medical treatment to solve tissue repair. At present, many 3D printing medical technologies have been successfully tested, such as printing intravascular implants, artificial vertebral bodies, etc. This also proves that the remarkable emerging technology subverts the medical industry pattern - science and technology breakthrough medicine.

With the continuous development of emerging science and technology, it has not only changed people's way of life, but also changed the way people seek medical care and medical treatment. Human beings are pioneers and beneficiaries in the face of science and technology. Scientific development is closely related to human physical and mental health. Human beings are changing science and technology, and science and technology are also changing human beings.

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