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Cultural propaganda

Today's private enterprises have achieved six, seven, eight and nine: 60% of the national financial revenue; 70% of national GDP; 80% of national exports; 90% of the national employment rate has become the backbone of the nation, but their environment and status are not optimistic! But those so-called monopoly state-owned enterprises can never become efficient modern enterprises without real and thorough reform, because its dead end lies in the absence of owners, that is, taking others' money to do things for others, which is the worst economics.

海南省| 尼木县| 诏安县| 怀安县| 萨迦县| 宣化县| 秭归县| 陇西县| 白城市| 阜城县| 古浪县| 麟游县| 东丰县| 施秉县| 桦甸市| 米脂县| 宽甸| 巴楚县| 外汇| 长治市| 夏邑县| 长宁区| 兰州市| 榆林市| 涪陵区| 瑞昌市| 温宿县| 天长市| 江津市| 安新县| 宁河县| 武夷山市| 井陉县| 玛纳斯县| 江北区| 叙永县| 汾阳市| 威远县| 平谷区| 墨江| 杂多县|