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Cultural propaganda

Today's private enterprises have achieved six, seven, eight and nine: 60% of the national financial revenue; 70% of national GDP; 80% of national exports; 90% of the national employment rate has become the backbone of the nation, but their environment and status are not optimistic! But those so-called monopoly state-owned enterprises can never become efficient modern enterprises without real and thorough reform, because its dead end lies in the absence of owners, that is, taking others' money to do things for others, which is the worst economics.

潍坊市| 团风县| 许昌市| 蓝田县| 米泉市| 东至县| 德州市| 宁陵县| 洛南县| 临桂县| 辰溪县| 潍坊市| 漯河市| 白城市| 阳城县| 苏尼特左旗| 慈溪市| 双峰县| 钟祥市| 东方市| 铜梁县| 修文县| 泽普县| 松溪县| 长岭县| 连云港市| 平陆县| 石屏县| 乌兰察布市| 宁国市| 广州市| 肃南| 辛集市| 河北区| 阿拉善盟| 扶沟县| 新郑市| 阜阳市| 漾濞| 石棉县| 兴义市|