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Cultural propaganda

Today's private enterprises have achieved six, seven, eight and nine: 60% of the national financial revenue; 70% of national GDP; 80% of national exports; 90% of the national employment rate has become the backbone of the nation, but their environment and status are not optimistic! But those so-called monopoly state-owned enterprises can never become efficient modern enterprises without real and thorough reform, because its dead end lies in the absence of owners, that is, taking others' money to do things for others, which is the worst economics.


The Chairman of the Board of Directors attended the "MNC Leaders Conference"!


The Chairman of the Board of Directors attended the "MNC Leaders Conference"!

Chairman and Prime Minister of New Zealand

Chairman and Prime Minister of New Zealand

Tu Youyou: Artemisinin is a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to the world

"Artemisinin is a small step in the process of human conquering malaria, and it is also a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to mankind."

The Chairman of the Board of Directors was interviewed by CCTV

The Chairman of the Board of Directors was interviewed by CCTV

滁州市| 库伦旗| 炉霍县| 南宫市| 闵行区| 诏安县| 招远市| 林甸县| 怀远县| 临湘市| 大宁县| 天峨县| 鲁山县| 白河县| 额尔古纳市| 嘉义市| 高平市| 丰县| 开鲁县| 临泽县| 上林县| 沂水县| 格尔木市| 台北县| 梧州市| 马鞍山市| 湾仔区| 迭部县| 卢龙县| 始兴县| 临城县| 饶阳县| 武邑县| 茌平县| 和顺县| 新河县| 壤塘县| 辉县市| 班戈县| 泊头市| 鄂托克前旗|