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Cultural propaganda

Today's private enterprises have achieved six, seven, eight and nine: 60% of the national financial revenue; 70% of national GDP; 80% of national exports; 90% of the national employment rate has become the backbone of the nation, but their environment and status are not optimistic! But those so-called monopoly state-owned enterprises can never become efficient modern enterprises without real and thorough reform, because its dead end lies in the absence of owners, that is, taking others' money to do things for others, which is the worst economics.


Science and technology breakthrough medicine


Science and technology breakthrough medicine

American scientists discover new human organs, or bring surprises to cancer diagnosis and treatment!

American scientists discover new human organs, or bring surprises to cancer diagnosis and treatment!

Tu Youyou: Artemisinin is a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to the world

"Artemisinin is a small step in the process of human conquering malaria, and it is also a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to mankind."

静海县| 左权县| 芦溪县| 赤水市| 新干县| 西华县| 上杭县| 蕉岭县| 云梦县| 天台县| 南安市| 台江县| 清远市| 都昌县| 搜索| 昭苏县| 渑池县| 汉沽区| 莒南县| 托里县| 平乡县| 红河县| 灵武市| 永州市| 永修县| 天津市| 连江县| 都安| 长沙市| 大安市| 肇庆市| 六枝特区| 通化县| 上栗县| 象州县| 南雄市| 修文县| 荔浦县| 贵南县| 邵阳县| 九龙县|