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Cultural propaganda

"With a grateful heart, we can efficiently complete the present thing at hand. The reasonable thing is training, and the unreasonable thing is training. In short, the reasonable and unreasonable thing is practice. We can survive within eight hours, and develop beyond eight hours. We can win when others rest by sticking to habits, making habits natural, and making nature cultural." As for the above words, we have a partner and a general manager who shared with our employees that "seeking development beyond eight hours is a second career...". Question: It is absurd for any government or any enterprise to rush to the second job after eight hours for backbone, elite and senior executives! It is possible for a nanny to take part-time jobs. Either the general manager has a problem with his understanding, or the general manager has ulterior motives. It is no wonder that the partners vary widely. Some first deal with the manufacturer's salesmen and specialize in evil ways; Some sneak around, steal some technology, engage in some processing; There are thousands of ways to succeed in life. However, some people prefer to be animals rather than people by any means for money. However, some people are very particular about life. Those who achieve great things and lead the world are all people who are very particular about the 'living method of life'.

巴林右旗| 宜丰县| 黄骅市| 岱山县| 顺义区| 固阳县| 淳安县| 冷水江市| 登封市| 进贤县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 宣威市| 宿迁市| 长岭县| 巴马| 尼玛县| 天气| 行唐县| 永修县| 浙江省| 抚松县| 阳高县| 且末县| 榕江县| 拜泉县| 博白县| 岐山县| 集安市| 双桥区| 怀宁县| 临邑县| 庆安县| 临西县| 黄骅市| 普定县| 长春市| 峡江县| 永仁县| 四川省| 通州区| 独山县|